featured TRAVEL

The Hidden Beauty of Java

8:07 AMUnknown

Living in a big city like Jakarta can be very stressful. It's the chaos of the city, the pollution, and the traffic-plagued roads that often let us forget that Indonesia exists outside of its raucous capital.

Just be honest, at one point we have all thought about moving out of the country, right?

When it comes to having time off, it's always easy to book tickets and go to the holiday destination and relax in the luxury of a nice hotel.

People often think that Bali is the only perfect getaway to release the stress of hectic Jakarta. 

But why don’t you try being more adventurous next time around? Take a road trip around Java, perhaps. Explore the oft-neglected places you have never heard of before, and enjoy the fresh air and serene atmosphere that Jakarta cannot offer.  

Experience something different from your routine and wander the diversely rugged land that kings and sultans once called home.

Here are some of the beautiful hidden paradises in Java.

Cirebon – West Java

Yogyakarta – DIY

Wonosari – East Java

Pacitan – East Java

Solo – Central Java

Wonogiri – Central Java

 Wonosobo – Central Java

Sumedang - West Java

Some of you might be wondering how to get to these places and perhaps also the best time to go.

I would suggest going by motorbike because some of these places are relatively inaccessible. It might be a little challenging but that's the point of travel, not to mention, public transportation is scarce at best. For those of you without motorbikes, the best way to go about getting around these secluded south Java hideaways is to make Yogyakarta a home base from which you can hire bikes for daily rates of little more than 5 USD per day.

Regarding the best time to visit, dry season is always best and it's recommended to avoid going during Eid al-Fitr because you don't want to get stuck in the traffic. It's the worst!

In some of the more remote places, you will be hard-pressed to find accommodations, so it may be wise to bring your own tent. Exciting, huh?

Time might also be a consideration for many. Owing to Java’s sub-standard infrastructure this is not a trip that can be jammed into a few days. Plan on taking at least two weeks to get through this worthwhile excursion.

Just because Bali is an easy getaway doesn't mean it's the only one. So take your time and give Java the chance it deserves.

Photo credit: Dewi Mulyasari

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  1. Keren banget ya Indonesia! Keep writing ya Dew!

    1. Indonesia is so beautiful, indeed.
      Makasih ya buat support nya :)


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